The Overspill Diaries

I happen to live in a street - Nelson Road N8 - which finds itself on the front line right next to the expanded Crouch End CPZ (Controlled Parking Zone), now being laid out. As I know from previous experience in Islington, being just outside a CPZ is not nice. This is why:

All the overspill vehicles from the CPZ-dodgers turn up on your doorstep. These comprise: lots of cars owned by people who live nearby in the CPZ; the cars of commuters and visitors avoiding parking fees; all the parked-up grey-economy builders' vans, delivery vehicles, breakdown trucks; seldom-used camper vans and so forth. All these flee the CPZ and end up on your street, so making things very difficult and unpleasant for those who actually live there. Plenty of them are here already. It is already difficult to park on many of our streets at the end of the day.

As the CPZs expand, this slurry of vehicles is forced into a smaller and smaller area of non-CPZ streets. The area east of Ferme Park Road bounded by Mountview Road, Uplands Road, and Tottenham Lane will be most affected, with those closest to the surrounding expanded CPZs obviously worst hit.

By expanding CPZs piecemeal in this way, Haringey Council never solves the problem, merely displaces it. Streets which were managing OK suddenly acquire a much more serious parking problem, simply because they are obliged to be close to, but not in, a new or expanded CPZ.

CPZs will not go away. Consequently the only solution, dull though it is and carrying a cost to residents, is to lobby Haringey Council to extend the CPZs to include our area of streets. Further displacement will then occur: the logical conclusion is for the whole of Hornsey and Crouch End to become one large CPZ.

On this blog I intend to show the CPZ overspill effect and the effect on residents' quality of life, just outside it. Leave your comments here - and please contact your councillors and MP if you are affected.

Click here for map of the Crouch End CPZs

Official information on Haringey CPZs

Your local councillors

Lynne Featherstone MP

Thursday 20 October 2011

October 2011: now it's REALLY bad.

This is the first week since the new expanded Stroud Green CPZ took effect. This comes right up to Ridge Road (at the southern end of our street). It joins the expanded Crouch End CPZ which comes right up to Ferme Park Road, next street along to the west. We of course are in neither zone. We are Just Outside both. The first non-regulated street everyone comes to.

The grindingly predictable outcome is now reality. Nelson Road is permanently jammed with parked vehicles while yards away in the controlled zones there is ample space.  Parking used never to be a problem in this street: that it has now become a very big problem is due entirely to the steady encroachment of the surrounding CPZs. We and our neighbouring streets running north from Ridge Road and east of Ferme Park Road get all the displaced vehicles.

What this means in effect is not just ultra-congestion of parking, caused by people who do not live in the street. It means a clear lessening of the quality of life. It means that delivery vans cannot pull over, and so have to block the entire street. Similarly builders' vans and trucks. If you have work needing doing on your house, tough: your builders won't be able to get anywhere near you. Pollution and noise increase hugely as vehicles back up, reverse, toot their horns, get enraged, drive endlessly up and down looking for a place to stop. People cannot call in on friends and relations. Ambulances have to sit in the middle of the road. This has now got very serious indeed. It is a problem that Haringey Council has caused with its piecemeal approach to CPZs.

And yes, following strong representations from residents and their councillors, earlier this year the council grudgingly conceded that our streets should be included in the CPZ. Finally it admitted that there was indeed a problem with displaced vehicles. Consultation took place. We were offcially notified that the expanded CPZ to include our streets would happen.  But when?  The council is vague.  Possibly December, we are told.

Look - we need it NOW. Please, please, get moving on this.

Two photos, taken this Tuesday lunchtime, say it all. The first is of Ridge Road, now in a CPZ:

And the second is our street, Nelson Road, just round the corner from the first photo. Yards away. It's Just Outside The CPZ. It looks like this:

It's easy to see the problem. We know what needs to be done: introduce the CPZ to our streets immediately. The council acknowledges the problem that it has caused. Why is it taking so long?

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